Another fine and fearless Gay Pride celebration is on its way at the coming 42nd Annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras! Once again, rainbow flags will be waved and will brighten up the streets as millions of participants from across the globe flock to celebrate one of the most awaited colourful event in gay pride history! With its dark and brutal beginning, Mardi Gras has risen up gracefully from the rubles of persecution, representing the joy and freedom of equality and love for the LGBTQI+ community.

The biggest event of the LGBTQI+ calendar happening mid-February of this year commences with a stunning and brilliant collision of culture represented from across the globe. Overwhelming creativity expresses the rainbow spirit with mesmerizing performing groups and floats marching on the streets. Everyone is welcome to participate on everything queer, glam, glitz and camp! Our Aussies friends aren’t the only ones attending this major event. People from around the world who support the LGBTQI+ join in on the hours long celebrations, fun and vibrant parades, and liberating parties!

For events, parades, party schedules and more information about the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, simply click here. Spangla is one in celebrating gay pride all over the world. With hundreds of men’s lingerie and men’s underwear collections expressing your love for pride and underwear, be sure to check out some of the most exciting mens lingerie and underwear designs today at Spangla